Mail der Belgrader Grünen:

Donnerstag, 1. April 1999 14:50

Branka Jovanovic
Franca Rozmana 18,
11000 Beograd
tel. 444-8645 or 444-9494
E-mail: branka_j@


Belgrade 1999-04-01


Dear friends,
NATO bombing becomes increasingly monstrous!

Total dimensions of destruction have the form of a genocide concernig all citezens of Yugoslavia of all nationalities.

NATO still aims cultural objects of the highest value (the Vojvodina museum in Novi Sad is damaged today - Novi Sad is the capital of the second Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and this museum contained all of its multiethnic treasures).

Our worst suspicious are confirmed, NATO uses cluster bombs which have for their victims the civilian population,too. We needn't remind you that the cluster bombs are forbidden according to international conventions.

Once more I would like to indicate the dramatic fact that the heart of Belgrade will be bombed. It is for this purpose that B1 and A10 airplanes, known for carrying forbidden ammunition with depleted uranium, are announced to be used due to bad weather conditions.

I implore you to take the necessary steps in presenting these facts to the public eye and inform The Hague Tribunal (

Sincerest Regards,
Branka Jovanovic
(The president of Council of The New Green Party - Belgrade)